
The main direction for asyncio extending is writing custom event loop classes. Asyncio has helpers that could be used to simplify this task.


Third-parties should reuse existing asyncio code with caution, a new Python version is free to break backward compatibility in internal part of API.

Writing a Custom Event Loop?

asyncio.AbstractEventLoop declares very many methods. Implementing all them from scratch is a tedious job.

A loop can get many common methods implementation for free by inheriting from asyncio.BaseEventLoop.

In turn, the successor should implement a bunch of private methods declared but not implemented in asyncio.BaseEventLoop.

For example, loop.create_connection() checks arguments, resolves DNS addresses, and calls loop._make_socket_transport() that should be implemented by inherited class. The _make_socket_transport() method is not documented and is considered as an internal API.

Future and Task private constructors?

asyncio.Future and asyncio.Task should be never created directly, please use corresponding loop.create_future() and loop.create_task(), or asyncio.create_task() factories instead.

However, third-party event loops may reuse built-in future and task implementations for the sake of getting a complex and highly optimized code for free.

For this purpose the following, private constructors are listed:

Future.__init__(*, loop=None)?

Create a built-in future instance.

loop is an optional event loop instance.

Task.__init__(coro, *, loop=None, name=None, context=None)?

Create a built-in task instance.

loop is an optional event loop instance. The rest of arguments are described in loop.create_task() description.

在 3.11 版更改: context argument is added.


Return True if future is attached to the same loop as the task, False otherwise.

3.11 新版功能.

Task lifetime support?

A third party task implementation should call the following functions to keep a task visible by asyncio.get_tasks() and asyncio.current_task():


Register a new task as managed by asyncio.

Call the function from a task constructor.


Unregister a task from asyncio internal structures.

The function should be called when a task is about to finish.

asyncio._enter_task(loop, task)?

Switch the current task to the task argument.

Call the function just before executing a portion of embedded coroutine (coroutine.send() or coroutine.throw()).

asyncio._leave_task(loop, task)?

Switch the current task back from task to None.

Call the function just after coroutine.send() or coroutine.throw() execution.