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美音: [?b?sk?t] 英音: [?b?sk?t]



名詞餅干; 軟烤餅; 松餅(食用時常佐以肉汁); 淡黃褐色


1. 比司吉:后來看<>才知道,司康的泡打粉用量實在太多,常帶有苦味和咸味,對我們亞洲人來說不容易接受. 為了改善此缺點,這款改良式比司吉(biscuit)以酵母代替大部分發(fā)酵粉,做出來的比司吉口味更佳,而且數(shù)量更多體積也更大.

2. 是英式英語,cookie是美式英語:餅干:biscuit--cookie | biscuit是英式英語,cookie是美式英語. | 無論哪里:anywhere--anyplace

3. biscuit的反義詞

3. 淡褐色:berry 鮮紅色,漿果紅 | biscuit 淡褐色 | bisque 桔黃色


1. 餅干
A biscuit is a small flat cake that is crisp and usually sweet.

in AM, use 美國英語用 cookie

2. 烤餅;小圓面包
A biscuit is a small round dry cake that is made with baking powder, baking soda, or yeast.

3. (強調(diào)吃驚)竟然做出這種(愚蠢、粗野或自私的)事情
If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the biscuit or that what they have done takes the biscuit, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour.

in AM, use 美國英語用 take the cake



1. any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term)

Synonym: cookiecooky

2. small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda

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