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美音: [??ske?p] 英音: [??skep]



動詞逃脫; 逃離; 躲過; 泄露

名詞逃走; 逃跑工具或方法; 野生種; 泄漏

形容詞使逃避困難的; 使規(guī)避問題的



1. escape在線翻譯

1. He escaped the trials after the war.

2. A moan escaped the patient.


1. Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe.


2. He traveled extensively to escape from boredom.


1. He made his escape in disguise.

2. She read detective stories as an escape.


1. 轉義:CDATA部分總是可以用帶有Unicode轉義(escape)的等價字符集合來代替出問題的 < 號和 & 號. CDATA完全是為人類手工編寫XML文件提供的便利. 計算機程序,如XSL格式化程序并不需要CDATA部分.

2. 逃亡:第九名<>(Escape)是近期轟動了全世界的德克薩斯州『渴望天國』邪教案的紀實. 如果你不相信現(xiàn)代文明社會中還有一夫多妻制存在的話,那請看看這本書. 今年年初,美國的克薩斯州警方突襲了一個叫『渴望天國』的邪教組織,


1. 逃離;逃脫
If you escape from a place, you succeed in getting away from it.

e.g. A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England...
e.g. They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border...

Officers mistook Stephen for an escaped prisoner.

2. 逃避;逃跑;避開
Someone's escape is the act of escaping from a particular place or situation.

e.g. The man made his escape.

3. 躲過;逃脫;幸免
You can say that you escape when you survive something such as an accident.

e.g. The two officers were extremely lucky to escape serious injury...
e.g. The man's girlfriend managed to escape unhurt...

4. 脫身之術;逃避的方法
If something is an escape, it is a way of avoiding difficulties or responsibilities.

e.g. But for me television is an escape.
e.g. ...an escape from the depressing realities of wartime.

5. 使逃避困難的;使規(guī)避問題的
You can use escape to describe things which allow you to avoid difficulties or problems. For example, an escape route is an activity or opportunity that lets you improve your situation. An escape clause is part of an agreement that allows you to avoid having to do something that you do not want to do.


e.g. We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives...
e.g. This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.

6. 為…所不知;逃過…的注意;被…忘記
If something escapes you or escapes your attention, you do not know about it, do not remember it, or do not notice it.


e.g. It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment...
e.g. Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention.

7. (氣體、液體、熱量等)泄露,逸出,露出
When gas, liquid, or heat escapes, it comes out from a pipe, container, or place.

e.g. Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.

8. see also: fire escape



1. the act of escaping physically

e.g. he made his escape from the mental hospital
the canary escaped from its cage
his flight was an indication of his guilt

Synonym: flight

2. a means or way of escaping

e.g. hard work was his escape from worry
they installed a second hatch as an escape
their escape route

3. an avoidance of danger or difficulty

e.g. that was a narrow escape

4. an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy

e.g. romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life
his alcohol problem was a form of escapism

Synonym: escapism

5. nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or trickery) that you are supposed to do

e.g. his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible
that escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive

Synonym: evasiondodging

6. a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler)
it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level

Synonym: safety valverelief valveescape valveescape cock

7. the discharge of a fluid from some container

e.g. they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe
he had to clean up the leak

Synonym: leakleakageoutflow

8. a plant originally cultivated but now growing wild



1. issue or leak, as from a small opening

e.g. Gas escaped into the bedroom

2. fail to experience

e.g. Fortunately, I missed the hurricane

Synonym: miss

3. escape potentially unpleasant consequences
get away with a forbidden action

e.g. She gets away with murder!
I couldn't get out from under these responsibilities

Synonym: get offget awayget byget out

4. run away from confinement

e.g. The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison

Synonym: get awaybreak loose

5. flee
take to one's heels
cut and run

e.g. If you see this man, run!
The burglars escaped before the police showed up

Synonym: scatrunscarperturn taillamrun awayhightail itbunkhead for the hillstake to the woodsfly the coopbreak away

6. remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion

e.g. We escaped to our summer house for a few days
The president of the company never manages to get away during the summer

Synonym: get away

7. be incomprehensible to
escape understanding by

e.g. What you are seeing in him eludes me

Synonym: elude

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