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名詞耳朵; 穗; 聽覺,聽力; 耳狀物

不及物動詞抽穗; (美俚)聽見



1. He is up to his ears in trouble at the moment.


1. ear是什么意思

1. The sound of music is pleasant to the ear.

2. She leaned over and whispered something in Peter's ear.

3. ear

3. I have no ear for music.

4. Mike has lost the ear of his boss.


1. 耳:細(xì)心閱讀新課程,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)新教材的一個特色,就是在一些生物專用名詞后附有英文,如細(xì)胞(cell),系統(tǒng)(system),基因(gene),生長(growrh),血液(blood),心臟(heart),眼(eye),耳(ear)等.在七,八年級的四冊書中一共出現(xiàn)了108個中英對照名詞,

2. 耳機:音頻插頭主要有麥克風(fēng)(mic)和耳機(EAR),而接線方式可分為:從主板連接或從機箱后置面板轉(zhuǎn)接,后者會影響音質(zhì).


3. 聽筒:b) 聽筒(EAR)壞. c) 元件漏電或變值. d) 重焊或更換音頻(電源、CPU). 十五、送話聲音小:a) 送話器(MIC)壞. b) 元件漏電或變值. c)重焊或更換音頻(電源、CPU). d) 提高送話器(MIC)的工作電壓. 十六、通話雜音:1、 燒炮仗聲:a) 機板有放電現(xiàn)象(清洗、干燥).

4. ear:earth; 球

5. ear:enterprise archive; 應(yīng)用的

6. ear:estimated average requirement; 估計平均需要量

7. ear

7. ear:export administration regulations; 理條


1. 耳;耳朵
Your ears are the two parts of your body, one on each side of your head, with which you hear sounds.


e.g. He whispered something in her ear...
e.g. I'm having my ears pierced.

2. 辨音力;靈敏的聽力
If you have an ear for music or language, you are able to hear its sounds accurately and to interpret them or reproduce them well.

e.g. Moby certainly has a fine ear for a tune...
e.g. An ear for foreign languages is advantageous.

3. 傾聽
Ear is often used to refer to people's willingness to listen to what someone is saying.


e.g. What would cause the masses to give him a far more sympathetic ear?...
e.g. They had shut their eyes and ears to everything.

4. (谷類作物的)穗
The ears of a cereal plant such as wheat or barley are the parts at the top of the stem, which contain the seeds or grains.


5. . 洗耳恭聽;全神貫注地聽
If someone says that they are all ears, they mean that they are ready and eager to listen

6. (尤指讓人惱火地)纏住…喋喋不休
If you say that someone is bending your ear about something, you mean that they keep talking to you about it because they think it is important; used especially when you are irritated by this.

e.g. He was fed up with people bending his ear about staying on at school.

7. (作為懲戒)打(孩子)的一側(cè)頭
If someone boxes a child's ears, they hit them on the side of their head as a punishment.

8. (要求)未被理睬,不被聽取/(某人對要求)不予理睬,充耳不聞
If a request falls on deaf ears or if the person to whom the request is made turns a deaf ear to it, they take no notice of it.

e.g. I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears...
e.g. He has turned a resolutely deaf ear to American demands for action.

9. 關(guān)注事態(tài);注意動向
If you keep or have your ear to the ground, you make sure that you find out about the things that people are doing or saying.

e.g. Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground.

10. 心不在焉;似聽非聽
If you listen to something or someone with only half an ear, you do not give your full attention to what is being said.

11. (認(rèn)真而同情地)傾聽
If you lend an ear to someone or their problems, you listen to them carefully and sympathetically.


e.g. They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.

12. 左耳進(jìn),右耳出;聽過即忘
If you say that something goes in one ear and out the other, you mean that someone pays no attention to it, or forgets about it immediately.


e.g. That rubbish goes in one ear and out the other.

13. 突然被解雇;突然被趕走
If someone says that you will be out on your ear, they mean that you will be forced to leave a job, an organization or a place suddenly.

e.g. We never objected. We'd have been out on our ears looking for another job if we had.

14. (不看樂譜而)憑記憶演奏(樂曲)
If you play by ear or play a piece of music by ear, you play music by relying on your memory rather than by reading printed music.

e.g. Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practicing.

15. 見機行事;隨機應(yīng)變
If you play it by ear, you decide what to say or do in a situation by responding to events rather than by following a plan which you have decided on in advance.

16. 深陷于;深深卷入;埋頭于
If you are up to your ears in something, it is taking up all of your time, attention, or resources.

e.g. 'Why don't you come with me?' — 'I can't. I'm up to my ears in reports.'...
“怎么不跟我一起來呀?”——“不行,我忙著寫報告呢?!?br/>e.g. He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.

17. to make a pig's ear of -> see pig
music to your ears -> see music
wet behind the ears -> see wet




1. the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium

2. the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear

Synonym: auriclepinna

3. good hearing

e.g. he had a keen ear
a good ear for pitch

4. attention to what is said

e.g. he tried to get her ear

5. fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn

Synonym: spikecapitulum

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